Building a London-wide Quaker Community
You are invited to attend
a joint area meeting of the seven London Area Meetings
Organised by the clerks’ group of the seven London Area Meetings
on Saturday October 5th, 10.30 - 1.30
Hilda Clark Suite Friends House NW1 2BJ
Also blended online
Gather from 10.00 to start meeting for worship for business at 10.30
Proposed agenda to include
● 15 minutes all age worship
A parallel meeting for children and young people will then be facilitated by Julia Stacey
(London CYP Worker)
Parents and Carers are asked to complete a consent form when registering
● Introduction by the Elders and Clerks for this meeting
● Invitation for questions about the origin and form of the joint meeting
Previous papers and minutes available on the London Quakers website
● Community Building
● Coffee Break
● Are we ready to form a Nominations Committee?
● Appointment of the proposed names (up to two from each AM) to form the Nominations
● Consideration of the Terms of Reference for the London Development Group
● Report on the work of the London Development Group and Q & A
● Proposal to hold monthly Meetings for Worship for the Joint Area Meeting
● Date of next meeting(s) of the seven London area meetings
● Closing Worship with the children sharing their activities
Please register your attendance at
for logistics and to receive the Zoom link
You are welcome to eat your lunch in Friends House
or maybe go out with new and known friends
The main menu has change so there is a page for the development group. Minutes and announcements on it. THe former Steering Group has laid itself down.
Papers from the previous phase of work are now to be found under Commitment Papers. Someone told us that Commital is not to do with intention but with mental unwellness. Sorry.
The Steering Group of London Quakers recognise that there's plenty to talk, discuss and learn about apart from governance, important though that is.
We will hold
The Steering Group of Pan London Governance has laid itself down. Each of the 7 Area Quaker Meetings of London has been asked to appoint two members of a Development Group to take forward work on the governance of the Quakers of London.
We hope that names of these Development Group appointees will be known by the time of the meeting on 3rd February.
The PLG page and Plungs Papers page still contain:-
1 The very brief summary of the decision of the London AMs to move towards forming a single AM for London.
2 A summary of the decisions by the AMs plus a summary of ‘reservations’ retrieved from the AM minutes
3 A compilation of the minutes from the seven Area Meetings giving responses to the Invitation to Commit
4 Links to the papers upon which the Invitation to Commite was based.
We were reminded recently abot the August 2024 plenary meeting in South Africe of Friends World Committee for Consultation. These FWCC meetings bring together a group of Friends from all corners of the world. More information at The theme of the World Plenary Meeting is ‘Living the spirit of Ubuntu: Responding with hope to God’s call to cherish creation – and one another’.
Find your nearest Quaker meeting in London using our map facility.
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Quakers are a free-thinking faith organisation with a long tradition of challenging accepted norms, helping the disadvantaged and working for peace.
Quakers seek to balance their inner and outer lives. We seek meaning and purpose by sitting in silence and stillness, waiting for promptings to guide our lives. For many, this leads to being actively involved in working to help others and change society for the benefit of all.
If you are already part of the Quaker community and would like to get involved in our initiatives or need help with your outreach, Discovering Quakers opens new can find out more here.
We aim to have Quaker internet material of interest to children, young people and their parents or carers. Read more…
Sat 14 September
THe Priests Tale
Venue: Wandsworth Quaker Meeting House, SW18 2PT,
A dedication to Peace has been central to Quakerism for centuries and we are delighted to be hosting a one-man play written and performed by our friend Michael Mears telling the story of a Hiroshima survivor, Protestant minister Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge,
The Priest’s Tale is the riveting story of a miraculous suitcase, a daring escape and the devastation wreaked on a city in a single instant by a nuclear bomb, and a clear-eyed depiction of the pity of the war and of the terror wrought at the start of our nuclear age. It is based on a 31,000 word article by American journalise John Hershey in The New Yorker in 1946. An note to the article said it had been published 'in the conviction that few of us have yet comprehended the all but incredible destructive power of this weapon, and that everyone might well take time to consider the terrible implications of its use.’
Given the expiration of the nuclear arms control START treaty in 2026 and the moves by the major players to update and increase their nuclear arsenals this could hardly be more topical.
Sun 15 September
Young Adult Quaker Meeting
Venue: Westminster Quaker Meeting House, 52 St Martin's Lane, London WC2N 4EA
3 March 2024 at 17:00 – 18:00
London Young Adult Quaker Meeting provides a supportive and nurturing space for young Quakers aged between 18 and 35 to connect, reflect, and share in silent worship.
It's also a great way to meet others who share our Quaker values and beliefs.
Takes place the first Sunday in every month at Westminster Quaker Meeting House
Sun 22 September
Quakers and philosophers
Venue: Wandsworth Quaker Meeting House SW18 2PT
Meeting for Learning after Meeting for Worship
Andrew Jack of Wandsworth Meeting will be talking about Philosophers and Quakers. Locke, Leibniz, Voltaire and Hume all wrote about Quakers. Some of what they wrote is funny. And we can learn about historical Quakerism’s relationship with Christianity by reading them. This will not be an academic talk but an opportunity to see Quakerism through the eyes of these eminent thinkers.