London Young Friends

Across London you’ll find many great events and opportunities for all ages of Quakers and the Quaker curious. Some happen regularly, such as the Young Adult Quaker Meeting. There are also special events, such as the London Link group residentials. Be sure to regularly check the Events page for upcoming fun!

Please subscribe to the London Young Quakers newsletter to receive monthly updates on events and opportunities for children and young people. What's On for London Young Quakers - Autumn 2024 

You can also join the London Children, Youth and Families WhatsApp Community for regular updates on events, opportunities, and resources. Please WhatsApp Julia Stacey (London Children & Youth Development Worker) at 079 3883 5367 for the invite link.

Local Children & Young People Meetings

Rejoice in the presence of children and young people in your meeting and recognise the gifts they bring.

Advice and Queries 19

Quakers Yearly Meeting, April 2023. Image © Mike Pinches, All Rights Reserved.

Many London Quaker local meetings run children and young people’s meetings. This can look a little different from meeting to meeting, but rest assured we do not expect children to sit perfectly still and quiet for an hour! Instead, they will enjoy games, crafts, walks and many other fun activities that teach them about Quaker values and practices. Other themes can include interfaith education, environmentalism, and pacifism. Children and young people will usually join the adults for a few minutes of silent worship at the end of meeting.

If you are curious about attending a Quaker meeting with your children and want more information you can contact Julia Stacey, the London Children & Youth Development Worker. You may also contact individual meetings about their children and young people offerings, through finding their contact information under the Find a Meeting tab.


  • 0 - 18 
  • Parents and carers

Time & Date

Varies from meeting to meeting, please find links to each local meeting’s website and contact information under the “Find a Meeting” tab. 



Locations across London please find links to each local meeting’s website and contact information under the “Find a Meeting” tab.

Contact Info

Please find links to each local meeting’s website and contact information under the “Find a Meeting” tab. 

London Teenage Quaker Meeting

Are you a teenager? Do you live in or near London? Then come down to London Teenage Quaker Meeting, a meeting specifically for teenagers! Biscuits will be provided!

London Link Group is a volunteer-run Quaker group that organises events to bring Young Quakers aged 11-18 together. They run the monthly Teenage Quaker Meeting, along with other fun events like trips to theme parks, parties and residentials.  

While the monthly London Teenage Quaker Meeting is for attendees 13 - 19, other London Link events are open to those 11 – 19. 


  • London Teenage Meeting: 13 - 19
  • London Link Events: 11 - 19

Time & Date

14:00 - 16:00

Meetings take place on the forth Sunday of each month. 



Westminster Quaker Meeting House

Nearest Tube Stations: Charing Cross (Northern and Bakerloo Lines) and Leicester Square (Piccadilly and Northern Lines)

Contact Info

Website: London Link Group 


Instagram: @ltquakermeeting

London Young Adult Quaker Meeting

Young friends at Yearly Meeting © Jane Hobson

London Young Adult Quaker Meeting is a gathering for 18 to 35(ish) year olds in and around London.  (The age restriction is not strict.)  Quakers, the Quaker-ish, and the Quaker-curious are welcome.  No previous experience of Quakerism necessary.  Join for socialising and worship at Westminster Meeting House from 5pm to 6:30pm every month on the first and third Sunday.  On months with a fifth Sunday, LYAQM holds a themed discussion at the same time and place.

For more information, contact LYAQM on Instagram @lyaqmeeting


  • 18 - 35(ish)

Time & Date

14:00 - 16:00

Meetings take place on the first and third Sunday of each month. 



Westminster Quaker Meeting House

Nearest Tube Stations: Charing Cross (Northern and Bakerloo Lines) and Leicester Square (Piccadilly and Northern Lines)

Contact Info

Instagram @lyaqmeeting