I am pleased to let you know that there will be a new Local Development Worker in London. Josh Selfe will join Quaker Life and will start work on 10 September. Josh has been involved with faith community work for all of his career. He has worked for the Salvation Army and most recently for the Methodist Church. His personal faith journey has led him to Quakers and we are excited to welcome him into this role.
Josh will be working closely with Julia Stacey, the London Children and Youth Development Worker. Julia and I will set up opportunities for you to meet him early on and we will be putting together a support group which will work across both roles. Josh will be spending time early on in the role getting to know the patch and the communities as a first step.
If you have any questions regarding local development work in advanced of his start date, please get in touch with Quaker Life by email, LDW-London@quaker.org.uk.
Josh will be at YM in London for a some time during Yearly Meeting on Saturday and possibly Sunday so you may get to meet him if you are at Friends House.
In friendship,
Oliver Waterhouse (he/him) - Quaker Life Team Leader, Local and Area Governance