Bernadette O’Shea (Co-clerk / LWAM);
Helen Drewery (Assistant Clerk on this occasion SLAM);
Christine Downes-Grainger (NETAM);
Michael Gamlen (SELAM);
Caroline Nursey (LQPT);
Tony D’Souza (NWLAM) R
ichard Martin (LQPT); Claudette Thomas (SELAM);
Chaundra Crouch (NWLAM);
Keith Walton (KWAM);
Loveday Shewell (LWAM),
Alan Smillie (SLAM),
Gillian Ashmore (KWAM)
Tim Rouse (NLAM)
In our opening worship we were reminded of the ministry from the 3-6 years olds shared at BYM with the words ‘change doesn’t always make us happy’
We want to ensure that the Terms of Reference are also addressed by each AM prior to the 5th October so we will attach them again to these minutes and draw them to the attention of AM Clerks asking that they be shared and if time allows minutes made.
We ask our Clerks to create an action log and ensure that it is shared in advance of each development group meeting so that it can be updated in advance of the meeting.
How do we want to deal with comments coming between meetings of our members or others? Or when someone is prevented? We recognise that not everyone is able to attend all the meetings and they may have information or issues they would like to share. We make a distinction between opinion and information. We agree that information can be shared with the Clerks if we worry that it might be missed by the group. We will keep this under review.
We have received and considered names brought forward by our Nominations Committee. We agree these names: the group convenors are marked in bold. ** indicates co-opted members.
Fred Ashmore** (Kingston & Wandsworth & clerk of London Quakers) Christine Downes-Grainger; Claudette Thomas
Caroline Nursey
Sue Newson **(NETAM)
Sam Winder ** (London West AM)
(We have approached another Friend to be co-opted but she has not yet agreed).
Loveday Shewell; Keith Walton; Alan Smilie; Richard Martin; Michael Gamlen (noting that his time is limited)
Loveday Shewell; Bernadette O’ Shea; Keith Walton; Tim Rouse; Caroline Nursey
Helen Drewery; Tim Rouse; Gillian Ashmore; Chaundra Crouch.
We know that we need to take account of the various workstrands, how these join together and the sequencing of the work. This needs careful project planning. We think the moment has come for us to consider hiring a project worker to help us now organise the work we will need to do over the coming months. We will advise the Clerks of any names that occur so that informal contact can be made.
In the meantime we will ask each of the working groups to agree a convener for their work; to review and as necessary amend the list of tasks. We hope this can be done by our next meeting on the 21st September and shared with the group. We ask the working groups to remain open to the idea of engaging with a wider group of friends as required.
We have received minutes from all the London AMs. Six of the 7 AMs have agreed to meeting formally as a Joint London AM with the full authority of a gathered Quaker Meeting for Business for at least the October meeting. We await a minute on this matter from NLAM. We will ask the NLAM rep on this group (Tim Rouse) to let us know if we can do anything more to assist on this matter.
We note that there are some reservations and that some voices are yet to be heard, we trust that the Joint meeting will proceed with care and consider these as soon as possible.
The Clerk has written to Lesley Richards and awaits response.
We have reviewed the communications received in summer 2023 from Bates Wells abouttheir possible approach and costs for the legal work to create a single Quaker charity for London.
This has thrown up some questions about what next? We ask the Legal work group to meet and review the original list of tasks and then approach Bates Wells for an informal meeting to explore the scope of the work.
We recognise that we now need an options paper that points out the costs and benefits of the possible approaches to merger of our charities..
34/2024 Minute 27/2024. Feedback on work of the Communications working group (Tony and Christine)
Tony and Christine have met and reported back to us on their initial work.
We note the following: London Quakers website to remain the portal for our key messages; we will bring a proposal to establish a regular monthly MfW for London moving around London to the 5th October Joint AM meeting; preparing some ideas for communications for the new Joint AM eg a regular newsletter;
Our Clerks are aiming to meet with the AM Clerks in the next couple of weeks. The agenda for the meeting will be agreed with them. These are our suggestions for matters that need to be considered
Part one Information sharing
Update from the LDG on terms of reference; establishment of working groups, project management and legal advice.
Proposal for a regular London wide MFW (Quakerly)
Q and A arising
Coffee break
Part two Discernment
1. Appointment of Nominations Committee (Clerks/ Elders/ Arrangements Committee for the Joint Meeting).
(we hope the AM Clerks will prepare a recommended approach on how the joint meeting will be Clerked and how arrangements will work)
2. Consideration and approval of the terms of reference for the London Development Group.
3. London wide regular MfW
Keith to advise the Clerk on some possibilities..
We have been contacted by Julia Stacey the London Youth Worker and note theappointment of Josh Selfe as the new London Development Worker. We have thought about how we might engage with them in our work. We agree to invite them both to our next meeting.
Date of our next meeting Saturday 21st September in Marjorie Sykes room Friends House 1.30 pm
Bernadette O’Shea /Helen Drewery