Quaker Families Together

This September we will have our first "Quaker Families Together" day. This event is an opportunity for families from across London to come together and share their experiences, gifts, needs and ideas. Through a day filled with fun activities and conversation we will get to know each other better and work towards shaping “a future where Quakers are loving, inclusive and all-age [and] all are heard, valued and supported both in our needs and our leadings”. (Our faith in the future)

If you would like to attend on Sunday, 8th September please complete the sign up & information form. You can also promote this event with the Outreach Poster

Julia Stacey (London Children & Youth Development Worker) is hoping to hold a "Quaker Families Together" date once a season, allowing for London Quaker families to build stronger connections and relationships over time. Please contact Julia at julias@quaker.org.uk or 079 3883 5367 if you have any questions.